The topics covered in this course are:
1. Formation of the Solar System - How are stars and planets formed, introduction to astronomical units, types of objects in the solar system, history of the earth.
2. Astronomer's best friend, Telescopes - history of telescope, types and uses, the difference between ground and space telescopes, best telescopes in the world
3. Big Bang to big crunch - big bang theory, types of objects in our galaxy, size of the universe, future of the universe
4. Stellar evolution I - nebula, nuclear fusion, formation and life cycle of low mass stars
5. Stellar evolution II - formation of high-mass stars, nuclear fusion, neutron stars and black holes
6. Are we alone - history of life on Earth, Drake equation, methods to find alien life (SETI), Fermi paradox
7. Humanity's next home - moon missions and their key findings, Mars missions and their key findings, comparison of both worlds, terraforming.
8. Stargazing - different Astronomical events, mythological stories of constellations, using stargazing apps and astrophotography