This course will cover the following topics:
1. Understanding of yoga (theory)
2. Forward bending asanas
3. Standing Asanas (Tadasana, Ekpadasana, Konasana I and II)
4. Sitting Asanas (Parvatasana, Gaumukasana, Paschimotanasana)
5. Asanas Lying on Stomach (Shalabasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana)
6. Suryanamaskar and Anulom Vilom
7. Asanas Lying on Back (Uttithpadasana, Chakrasana, Pavanmuktasana)
8. Vajrasana, Naman Mudra and Yog Mudra
9. Sitting Asanas Cat- cow, downward dog, Garland Pose
Note- There will be AUM uccharan toward the end of every session. Along with an explanation of the benefits and importance of each asana.